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November 7, 2011

Come again another day

We plan act, but not always adequately
so we run short of what we planned
we say come again another da
we will accomplish
what we have in our mind
comes that day
we act, not adequately again
we console ourselves
come again another day
days pass by
turn into weeks
months and years
we keep telling
come again another day

we never get that another day
entire lifetime
we spend in search of
that another day
all of us know
which day is that day
and which day has no
another day
No one knows
How far or near that day is
Plan,strictly adhere to the plan
Accomplish your tasks
Then and there
Even if they fall short of perfection
Before landing on that day
When you cannot any longer be telling
Come again another day

A 63 year old democracy

We are a democracy completed years sixty three
We are, but, yet to be freed
From the clutches of caste and creed
And, the worst of all, that of greed

While the first two divide us
The third one destroys us
Most of the decision makers
And policy makers
Are driven by  these three principles
And we are still limping
Towards the horizon and daylight
Having been freed in the middle of the night

Rare it is to come across
Personalities now a days
Despite our having
More than a thousand million people

Most of our people
In poverty
And in the darkness of ignorance
Find it difficult to
Understand the qualities
Of the people, whom they elect
To rule us
Elected ones, though not in poverty,
Are as ignorant as the people
Who voted them to power

How many more independence days
Are we going to cross
In fact, there is no celebration
For most of our people
Know not what independence really means
For them it means,,
Simply means, they have the right
To select wrong people

We have not forgotten our long history
We know
King's son becomes the king
So we maintain that
Prime Minister's son or daughter
Should become prime minister
Chief Minister's son or daughter
Should become chief minister

We love our families
We take good care of sons, daughters,
Their off-springs
We take care of our relatives as well

We take care of people
Belonging to our caste, religion or creed
We are happy
When our elected leaders also do the same

We do not believe in technical decisions
We advocate the cause
Of taking such decisions
Which match our above
Familial policies enhancing
Opportunities for our own people

When will our thirst for freedom quench
This thirst will never be quenched
As water to quench that thirst
Is no where visible
Nor we know where to look for it

November 4, 2011

Without Due Care

Old Mrs.Bird is dead -
"Crossing the road without due care".
The driver said she lost her head -
"Crossing the road without due care."
She disobeyed the simple rule,
"Be very careful, quick and cool
When motor-cars are there";
So she is dead, the silly fool -
"Crossing the road without due care".

Old Mrs.Bird was much to blame,
"Crossing the road without due care."
For Mrs.Bird was rather lame
And should have taken SPECIAL care,
She had, it seems, deficient sight,
Her intellect perhaps was slight,
Her nerve required repair,
So she is dead and serves her right -
"Crossing the road without due care".
Old Mrs.Bird came up to Town
From Chipping  -under-Bone,
Where limousines are seldom seen
And one-way streets unknown;
The notices of every kind
She studied with a frown:
“Look Left, Look Right, Before, Behind,
Look Sideways, up and Down!”
And since her eyes were only two
(And both were placed head)
She did not quite know what to do,
And so the woman’s dead.

She meekly stood upon the kerb,
Wishing that she could fly
And hoping she would not disturb
The motors rushing by;
But after wasting quite a space
She tired (I know not why)
Of standing in the selfsame place

And watching cars go by,
Like swallows homing to their mates,
Like sinners followed by their Fates,
Like elephants with urgent dates
The endless motor flew;
And Mrs. Bird at length was heard
To whisper this disgraceful word,
Although no doubt it seems absurd,
“I’m in a hurry too.”
She took a step into the road
And cars for miles around,
As if she were a slug or toad,
Made an offensive sound-
A cross between a siren’s hoot
And a rhinoceros roar,
A sound which said, “You bug! You brute!
You imbecile! You bore!”
And Mrs. Bird withdrew, deterred,
To where she was before,
The day went on, and Mrs. B
Still to the kerb was tied,
While those whom she desired to see
Where on the other side,
But as the sun began to sink,
There came a little lull,
A tiny little lull there came,
And Mrs. Bird said, “Now I think
That I can cross, but all the same
I wish I were a gull.”

I have remarked that she was lame,
She knew no acrobatics,
She could not sprint for half the Mint,
And what is more, the darned old fool,
She quite neglected when at school
The Higher Mathematics;
And so she could not calculate
By algebra or cards
How long it takes a Snitzler “8”
To travel fifty yards
(When doing fifty miles an hour
And hooting fit to frighten,
Containing sixty horses power,
And on the way to Brighton)
Nor could she tell that such a car,
If it stopped, will skid
(You know what country people are)
But that is what it did,
And almost everybody passed
This verdict on the blow-
‘Twas not the car that went too fast,
But she who went too slow,
And I agree-but then, to me,
There is no god but Speed;
When India’s one great asphalt floor,
Where motors, more and more and more,
Move even faster than before.
And whiz and wheeze and hoot and roar,
Though walking may become a bire
Life will be good indeed.

Old Mrs. Bird is dead-
“Crossing the road without due care.”
The driver said she lost her head-
“Crossing the road without due care.”
She should have burrowed underground,
Or crossed the road by crane,
Or taken one terrific bound,
Or hired an aeroplane;
For such as she are sure to fall
If they proceed on foot;
‘Twere wiser not to cross at all,
But stay where they are put.
She will not very much be missed,
But it upset the motorist;
And we must add her to the list-
“Crossing  the road without due care”.